Amanda Seyfried Without Makeup

Amanda Seyfried is a successful actress and has starred in movies such as Mamma Mía, Les Misérables, Pan and Ted 2. In her early life she also worked as a model. In a statement she said: “I was naturally skinny and had braces, so I wasn’t a cute model”.

To the left we see Amanda Seyfried without any makeup on her face. To the right we can see what an amazing job her makeup artist does!
Seyfried has said that she suffers from panic attacks and stage fright. We often see Seyfried with makeup on her face, looking glamorous. But without makeup she looks plain indeed. The magic of makeup!
The pictures below illustrate the result of not wearing any makeup. According to Seyfried “perfect is boring”. Well, she certainly doesn’t look perfect without makeup, so it seems she means it.

In the absence of makeup Amanda Seyfried looks like this.

Amanda Seyfried is walking around without her makeup.