Adele No Makeup

Do you ever imagine Adele no makeup appearance? Does she still look fabulous or not? Well that kind of question is often asked by many people who know that this woman is kind of a celebrity with glamor and luxurious makeup. When she was 26 years old many people said that her appearance looks like a woman in her 40s. Many people then blamed her voluptuous body that makes her like a woman who has been giving birth a couple of times. But some then also said that no matter her body shape, the thing that make this woman look older is her makeup.

Adele No Makeup
But of course it doesn’t mean that Adele no makeup appearance looks good. But at least we can say that she looks younger than her full makeup face. Adele Laurie Blue Adkins is today known as the queen of Broken Heart songs, and may it be that she is a woman who has an average body. And well it makes her face look older too. But actually, her makeup also makes this mother of one look like a woman in her 40s.

Adele Without Makeup
She loves to use thick makeup with foundation, face powder and blush. Thick mascara and lipstick also being her weapons too. It makes her look a bit older as said by many people. And her face without makeup may not the best one but she seems younger and fresher.

Adele Without Makeup Pictures
Her face may be a bit pale but it looks smooth and shows that she is a woman who is under her 30s. Can’t help that Adele no makeup appearance not the best one. But at least she shows her real age and that makes her a bit younger too.