Audrey Hepburn without Makeup Pictures

Talking about Audrey Hepburn without makeup appearance is kind of interesting topic. Of course though this legendary actress has been passed away 11 years ago, but her appearance, her works and her personal life is still kind of interesting topic. Though she has gone, it still easy for you to find the old picture about her face. And don’t think that her face looks weird or ugly without makeup. She still looks so fabulous even the makeup removed from her face.
Those who following her career even said that Audrey Hepburn without makeup appearance is still good when she is older. The woman who the third greatest female screen legend in the history of American cinema having that kind of nature beauty. Until now, she is still related to be the most naturally beautiful woman of all time. Her face is really smooth and well maintained even when doesn’t use any makeup on her face. We know that thick bright red lipstick being her trademark that sparks her beauty more. She may applied thick eyebrow too but it still very natural on her. And when the makeup was removed from her face, you know that she is really pretty. Her face is very fresh, smooth and toned and we can say that she is still fascinating with her bare face shown.
Though she has gone more than ten years ago, many still praised Audrey Hepburn without makeup appearance. And till now, seems that she is still the beautiful icon with or without makeup on her face.

Audrey Hepburn Without Makeup Pictures

Audrey Hepburn Without Makeup

Audrey Hepburn No Makeup Pictures