Avril Lavigne Without Makeup

Though better known with her Gothic makeup, actually Avril Lavigne without makeup face looks not too bad. Of course there is drastic differences her bare makeup and the bare one. But many people said she looks better without too much makeup on. But the other one also said that her full makeup face not too bad either since she is beautiful no matter with or without makeup.
Seems that Avril Lavigne no makeup appearance shows the other side of her. This singer who earned her reputation of a ‘skater punk’ persona and “pop punk princess” may looks tomboyish since long time ago. Thick mascara and eyeliner as the Gothic style become her trademark. It then also combined with thick foundation and facial powder too. And when she getting older, she seems knowing well how to makeup and tries to reduced her too thick makeup. But it still suits to her and makes her very pretty. And when spotted without makeup, she looks OK and not disappointed at all. There we can see that she has smooth and flawless facial skin. Though her skin is bit pale as well as her lip too, but she still looks stunning and fabulous.
We can’t say that Avril Lavigne without makeup as good as she wore the makeup. She looks good with makeup on or showing her bare face that also beautiful.

Avril Lavigne Without Makeup

Avril Lavigne Without Makeup Pictures

Avril Lavigne No Makeup Pictures

Avril Lavigne No Makeup

Avril Lavigne No Makeup Images

Avril Lavigne Without Makeup Images