Cara Delevingne Without Makeup

The full name of the celebrity in question is Cara Jocelyn Delevingne. She is a successful English fashion model and has indeed been dominating the media. Already when Delevingne was 10 years old she started her career as a model with her very first catwalk in February 2011. Besides from modelling Delevingne has an acting career as well and has starred in movies such as the movie Anna Karenina in 2012. Lately she has starred in the movie Suicide Squad in which she was playing the Enchantress. She once said the following: “I like fashion, but I love, love, love music and film; they are my two passions. I would love to pursue my acting and my love of music more than anything. ” Now, let us talk about Cara Delevingne without makeup.
Delevingne loves the vintage look that is also a bit rock n’ roll which is characteristic for her. In her professions she normally uses makeup on her face, but she likes it when it looks natural as well. She was quoted as saying: “There’s a really easy way of just kind of wearing make-up but looking like there’s nothing on your face… I’m still not very good at it, and I’m learning slowly.” In my opinion Delevingne looks great and natural without makeup! What do you think?
Photos of Cara Delevingne without makeup:
This picture shows Cara Delevingne with and without makeup. The lipstick has a dramatic effect.

Cara Delevingne With and Without Makeup
Cara Delevingne captured on picture without makeup.

Cara Delevingne Without Makeup

Cara Delevingne No Makeup

Cara Delevingne No Makeup Face

Cara Delevingne Makeup Free
There are several Cara Delevingne tutorials out there, below is one of them. Watch it yourself and get Delevingne’s vintage look!