Fergie Without Makeup

Shocking and drastically different are the describing for the Fergie without makeup appearance. Well can’t help that her bare face that several time spotted by the Paparazzi not as beautiful as her full makeup face. We know that this woman is always appeared with the glamor makeup. Though she said that she kin of tomboyish woman, but she seems realized that a little bit makeup wont hurt her. That why her makeup face seems so perfect rather than the bare one.
Many people said that Fergie without makeup face very different than that can be seen when she is performed. Seems that this woman whose real name is Stacy Ann Ferguson got so much benefit from the makeup touch on her face. This mother of one may never afraid to show her bare face on her Instagram account. She is also quite often spotted walking around with her husband and daughter with her bare face. There we can say that she is very different. Her face looks so dull, tired and not clear. There is several lines and wrinkles that can be seen on her face. Moreover with makeup that applied on her face especially the foundation is able to make this woman looks so pretty and fascinating.
Let’s say that Fergie without makeup not as beauty as the wore one. But well at least she isn’t kind of celebrities who relied too much to her makeup.

Fergie Without Makeup

Fergie Without Makeup Pictures

Fergie No Makeup Pictures

Fergie No Makeup