Gabi DeMartino Without Makeup

Gabi DeMartino, also known as Gabriella DeMartino, is an American YouTuber who is known for her fashion, lifestyle, and beauty videos – in which she always looks stunning.
Her YouTube career took off when Gabi, together with her twin sister Niki, started the YouTube channel, Niki and Gabi. As of today, this channel has over 9 million followers. But Gabi also has her own Youtube channel, Fancy Vlogs By Gab, with over 3 million followers.
Gabi’s fame increased, even more, when it got an enormous boost when she appeared in Ariana Grande’s music video “Thank U, Next,” where she looks stunning.
1. With and without makeup
Which words first cross your mind after looking at the with and without makeup pictures of Gabi DeMartino? For many women, makeup is their best friend, even on regular days. However, some women look gorgeous with a bare face, and Gabi DeMartino is one of the typical examples.
Gabi DeMartino looks pretty thanks to cosmetics products, but without makeup, she feels younger and more energetic. In the picture on the left, Gabi tied her hair high, and her curly hair helped emphasize her pretty face. Even though her bare face has some acne, Gabi still looks dazzling without makeup.

2. Clean and healthy skin
When it comes to makeup, clear skin is the best foundation. Gabi DeMartino has a beautiful skin complexion, and she knows how to take good care of her herself.
In the below picture, she has washed off her makeup and is wearing a basic outfit, but she still looks striking and comfortable with her natural skin.
Having clean skin helps to Gabi boost her self-confidence when pulling off the no-makeup look. Gabi DeMartino is gorgeous even without makeup.

Looking fresh
With or without makeup, Gabi DeMartino looks stunning. With almost no makeup, Gabi is showing off her beautiful face and flawless skin. Her natural appearance is gorgeous. If there is someone who can pull off the no-makeup selfie, it’s Gabi DeMartino.