Kathie Lee Gifford No Makeup

Kathryn Lee Gifford (born August 16, 1953) is an American television presenter, singer, songwriter, occasional actress, and author.
As a tv presenter, Gifford is no stranger to makeup. Makeup plays an obvious role in the life of this accomplished woman. Imagine going in front of the tv cameras without makeup!
This begs the question, how does Gifford’s face look so natural?

Her bare face looks different from her makeup face, but this is to be expected. Gifford is, after all, starting to flourish into an older woman.
“I change my hairstyle every day for the show, I’m fastidious and vain about my nails and teeth and grooming and makeup, but a perfect body, forget it. Dust to dust, wuggies to wuggies.”
Kathie Lee Gifford

The tv show “Today Show” hosted a segment called “Love Your Selfie”. In this segment, many TV hosts were seen without makeup, including Kathy Lee Gifford.