Madonna Without Makeup

Though Madonna without makeup appearance not too shocking thing, we can revealed the saddest truth there. This woman seems relied too much with the makeup to preserve her youthful looks. Not only that, the rumor she has been spent thousand dollars for plastic surgery probably true. And of course there are drastic differences with her full and bare makeup. Seems that this singer is too afraid to getting older and makeup become her perfect mask.
We can say that Madonna without makeup appearance isn’t kind of shocking thing because we know already that she is very old. In her 56 years old, the woman who referred to as the “Queen of Pop”, loves to wore that kind of thick and bit glamor makeup. Simply the goal is juts to hide her wrinkles and saggy face. Without makeup, her face looks so old, dull and not clears at all. Her cheek looks so hollow with wrinkled and pale lips. The crow’s feet and laugh lines spotted so clearly there, coupled with the heavy eyes too. And to covered them all, she loves to applied thick foundation and blush on. Heavy mascara with too bright lipstick also spotted decorated on her face.
It’s sad to know that Madonna without makeup face revealed her obsession to appear younger from time to time. Actually being older is kind of something normal and she should not depend to makeup too much.

Madonna Without Makeup

Madonna Without Makeup Pictures

Madonna No Makeup Pictures

Madonna No Makeup

Madonna No Makeup Images