Marilyn Monroe No Makeup

Who doesn’t know about Marilyn Monroe? Everyone must know who she is. She was one of the most famous woman in the world ever lived. Well, although many of us just know her from books, stories or her pictures, at least, we know that she was a beautiful woman with multi-talented characters. From the pictures, we always see her in classy and stunning look. Then, what about the look of Marilyn Monroe No Makeup?
Marilyn Monroe Without Makeup

Well, a very rare picture published on the internet when she was without makeup. What do you think? You can compare the famous pictures of Marilyn Monroe with her rare pictures that show her natural face. Marilyn Monroe No Makeup still looks gorgeous. The rare picture shows her natural appearance without makeup. She is still wonderful even without makeup. This can be one of the most precious pictures about Marilyn Monroe.

Just from the spreads of the picture of Marilyn Monroe No Makeup, then it leads other celebrities also upload their pictures without makeup. It is like Jessica Simpson who published her natural picture. Well, many celebrities try to keep their natural look. Without a makeup many celebrities become unrecognizable. But, when you see Marilyn Monroe, you may still know her. Her natural face actually doesn’t change her beauty. It is because we have seen her stunning and classy pictures more often than the rare picture when she has no makeup.

You can compare the famous pictures of Marilyn Monroe No Makeup and with makeup. You may wonder how she kept her beauty although without makeup. Healthy lifestyle becomes the best solution to make your natural look wonderful. Health foods or diet, exercise, more water, avoid alcohol, cigarette, and caffeine including junk foods. A healthy lifestyle will make you look gorgeous. We can guess Marilyn Monroe also had a healthy lifestyle to keep her look wonderful.
Marilyn Monroe Makeup Quotes
“A smile is the best makeup any girl can wear.”
Marilyn Monroe
“Beneath the makeup and behind the smile I am just a girl who wishes for the world.”
Marilyn Monroe
Marilyn Monroe Makeup Tutorial
YouTuber Lisa Eldridge makes an attempt at creating the iconic make-up look we all know. This is the same look made by Marilyn Monroe’s makeup artist, Allan “Whitey” Snyder, throughout her whole career.