Mila Kunis Without Makeup

How many of us didn’t have a crush on Mila Kunis back in the days when she portrayed Jackie Burkhart on the television series That ’70s Show?
Years ago, she was named as number 1 of 2013 “100 Sexiest Women in the World” list by FHM Magazine. Not only that, but several magazines have called her among the most beautiful actresses in the world.
No one will deny how beautiful Mila Kunis is. But do you ever wonder how the actress looks without makeup?

When seeing Mila Kunis on TV or the red carpet, her face has copious amounts of makeup applied. But other than that, the star doesn’t seem to be using makeup a whole lot.

“I don’t wear makeup. I don’t wash my hair every day. It’s not something that I associate with myself. I commend women who wake up 30, 40 minutes early to put on eyeliner. I think it’s beautiful. I’m just not that person.”
Mila Kunis (to Glamour)
Mila Kunis is no big fan of using makeup though she seems to like it once applied. She claims she doesn’t wear makeup and considers it an unthinkable sacrifice to wake up earlier in the morning just to put on eyeliner. It’s also a pain for her to take the makeup off at night.
“Putting the makeup on, not a problem. Taking the makeup off, ever night… it makes your face swell.”
Mila Kunis

The first time Mila Kunis appeared with her bare face without makeup, many people must have been shocked. We can see that her eyes look saggy and very tired in the picture.